Member-only story
In Praise of Friday
Not that I’m going to found a cult, but…we would totally bow down to Fridays
I read once that employees look forward to Friday more than they do to any other day of the week — even Saturday or Sunday.
I can’t find the quote now, or any study to back it up, so maybe it was completely made up. But, I gotta say, if it’s true it wouldn’t surprise me one little bit. (And if someone did just make it up, perhaps they would join my congregation.)
It’s Friday night now. I’m curled up with the dog, watching some nerdy guilty pleasure (I’ll let those who might possibly have read any other of my Medium posts whatsoever guess which one), and sipping a little Utah desert goodness.
And I’m enjoying every single minute of it.
I’m not worried about enjoying too much of this sweet nectar of the desert gods — cuz I have two days to recover.
I’m not worried about what I did or didn’t get done at work, because I put in my 52 hours this week and then left that shit…